About Us

Our mission is to make Home AI easy to understand and use.

We have videos, tutorials, and special guides just for beginners like you!

We have videos, tutorials, and special guides just for beginners like you!

You don’t need to be a genius to learn how to make your home smarter. We’ll show you step by step!

You know what’s even more exciting?

The future of 70% of all  jobs is about Information Technology, or IT – that means computers and cool TECH!

By learning about Ai and the technology now, you’ll be prepared for the future.

The great thing is ... You can start right at home!


It's time to think outside the box with mUther!

Join us on this awesome journey of learning, creativity, and fun.

On our website, you can find all kinds of Smart Products that will make your home, well, SMART. From super advanced gadgets to ‘Plug and Play’ appliances, there’s something for everyone!

You can even find great gift ideas for your friends and family. So, let’s think outside the box and use our imaginations to make our homes even more amazing with Home AI.

Let’s make our homes super smart together!